Five fantastic features that every landing page needs to have

7 Tips For Using Visuals to Create Landing Pages That Convert - Venngage

Conversion is the primary objective of a page on a website that is known as a landing page. Your subscribers will arrive at their destination as soon as they click on a link that you have provided on your website, in a post on social media, or in a mention on your podcast. A standard landing page provides information about a free offer and encourages visitors to sign up for the offer. 

 To put it another way, landing pages assist in the conversion of prospective customers into paying users and are therefore an essential component of your marketing strategy. When your audience finds that the content of your landing page directly meets their needs and goals, they are more likely to convert. Landing pages should be an important component of your digital marketing strategy, regardless of whether you own a sizable e-commerce business, operate a PPC SaaS agency, or are, for example, a home cook with a basic website. 

In light of the fact that you have reached this point, it is essential that you differentiate between a home page and a landing page. 

 Your company’s identity will be presented on the homepage. It extends an invitation to visitors to find out more about you, enables them to explore the many products that you offer, and gives additional information about your business and the principles that guide it. Visitors can navigate to any page on your site from the homepage, but they are not required to make a purchase or complete an online registration form. And this is exactly my point. 

 Landing pages are intended to convert users into customers. 

In order to accomplish this goal, your landing page needs to have the following five primary qualities: 


  1. Create a Unique Value Proposition 

Your “unique selling proposition” is a statement that explains how your product is unique in comparison to those of your rivals and how your business has an advantage over those of your rivals. The response to the question “What’s in it for me?” that initially brought visitors to your landing page should be summed up there. 


When asked about prices, Buffet once said, “Price is what you pay for; value is what you get.” 

 Begin from the very beginning. Who is it that you hope to communicate with? Where exactly do you run into trouble? To what do you propose the solution to this issue? In order for visitors to vote for you, what specific information do they need to see and read? 

Your audience should be informed of the stimulus as well as the message it will send. Keep your composure. People need to quickly understand the benefits that your company can provide to them. 

Consider the ways in which your goods or services can assist customers in accomplishing the goals they have set for themselves. 

It could appear to be a lot, but the key is to keep it brief and get to the point as quickly as possible. Try to avoid writing an excessive amount of content. If your one of a kind value proposition isn’t really powerful and obvious, your visitors will be shocked. 

  1. Create an engaging and urgent call to action

In a direct and uncomplicated manner, your call-to-action encourages people to take the action that you would like them to take. It must be engaging, concise, and convey a sense of urgency. 

Reduce the amount of words you use. The more effective, the fewer. Make a commitment, and explain to your guests what they can expect from your establishment. Say no more, I’m already on board! should be the response that is taken in response to the perfect call to action. 

Think and speak as your audience does. If the audience would rather hear you speak in a casual manner, keep a lighthearted tone and joke around. The design of calls to action are experiencing a rise in inventiveness. It is essential to keep your colours and pictures as straightforward as possible and consistent with your company branding in order to avoid confusing your customers. 

  1. Give more weight to the benefits rather than the features

It is recommended that landing pages have a limited amount of content in order to keep visitors’ attention. In most cases, a landing page will not have either a sidebar or a menu bar. Your site visitors should have the impression that they have arrived at their destination and do not require any further exploration as a result of this element. You want it to be a separate page all by itself. 

Clearly define the problem that you solve, the approach that you take, and the results that you obtain. reduce the likelihood that a subscriber will become distracted and cancel their subscription. Perform this analysis on a regular basis to ensure that your landing page is still centred on your primary goals and is moving in the right direction to achieve those goals. 

More choices and distractions increase the likelihood that you will lose someone, which is especially likely if they are a newcomer. To encourage a quicker conversion, you might want to think about offering a concession or reward that has a time limit attached to it. You may be familiar with this concept under the acronym FOMO, which stands for “fear of missing out.” 

  1. Transform your protagonist into a masked avenger

Due to the fact that the human brain processes visual information 60,000 times faster than text, exercise extreme caution when selecting colours and pictures. Branding that is appealing to the eye has a significant impact on the products that people buy. 

Landing page images should convert successfully and organically in order to be effective. To illustrate how genuine your business is, you should include photographs of real people in your marketing materials. It is important that you make use of your landing page to establish credibility and let visitors know that they have arrived at the appropriate location. 

 Avoid using premade templates and stock photos whenever possible. Continue to work with media that highlights the work that your organisation does. 

 Being sincere increases people’s trust in you, which is important because conversions are built on trust. 

 It is best to refrain from using your brand in photos. Instead, you should demonstrate the excitement that drives your company. Nobody is interested in visiting your landing page if it only contains brand identity portfolio documents and jargon. Evoking emotion in your site’s visitors can motivate them to take action. 

  1. It Is Vital To Have Social Proof

Demonstrate to site visitors how they can benefit from your offering by having them use your landing page. Have some pride in the work that you do. Your site’s visitors are more likely to take action if you provide them with social proof. 

To demonstrate that you can be trusted, use some solid numbers. The phrases “Trusted by over 1,000,000 people globally” and “In business since…” are great for lowering the risk of signing up for your visitors by stating that they have been in business for a certain amount of time. 

 Therefore, adding testimonials to your landing page is a great way to increase the impact of your page. Above the fold, place your best endorsement, preferably one that comes from a figurehead well-known to the audience you’re trying to reach. 

If you don’t have a star testimonial, it may be best to put this section at the bottom of the page so that it doesn’t compete with your unique selling proposition and your call to action. 


By optimizing these aspects of your landing page, you can see a significant uptick in the number of conversions you receive. It is essential to have a singular, compelling call to action. Take risks and use your imagination. Check that your writing is easy to understand as well as persuasive. Keep in mind that landing pages are not enough to finish the job on their own. The overall quality of the user experience provided by your website must be impeccable. If you want the best results, you should look into reputable and bespoke web design services rather than going with a website that has qualified leads but is poorly designed. 

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